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Shigeki Tanaka Ginsan Nakiri 170mm


Total Knife Length:


Blade Length Tip to Heel:


Blade Height:


Blade Width at spine:


Total Weight:

168 grams / 5.7 Ounces

Steel Type:

Silver 3

Rockwell Hardness:


Handle Materials:



Nakiri and Usuba knives are used primarily for cutting vegetables. Their flat blade shape and thin profile make them ideal for making clean cuts though hard and soft vegetables. Whether its paper thin cuts of cabbage, julienne of carrots or chunks of squash a Nakiri or Usuba is a great choice. The main difference between them is a Nakiri is a double bevel meaning its sharpened on both sides where as a Usuba is a single bevel only sharpened on one side. A Nakiri can be used by either a right or left handed user where as a Usuba will need to be purchased depending on if you are left or right handed.

Knife Care Tips

    • Never use this knife to cut through frozen foods, bones or other hard items. 
    • After use be sure to wash using warm water, dish soap and a soft non-abrasive cloth or sponge. 
    • Dry knife immediately after washing to avoid corrosion.
    • If storing for an extended period of time use a knife oil like the one found here
    • For edge maintenance and sharpening use whetstones, strops, or a fine ceramic honing rod. Avoid oil stones, diamond stones and steel rods
    • Some high carbon knives will need to be wiped  dry periodically during use if cutting highly acidic foods to avoid corrosion.